Chapter 9 Rural Westmeath

Closed15 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 20 Jan, 2021, 17:00

Chapter 9

Proposed Amendment CH 9.1




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Rural Settlement Strategy


Amend CPO 9.1 as of the plan follows:

CPO 9.1

Areas Under Strong Urban Influence

To accommodate demand from individuals for permanent residential development in defined ‘Rural Areas Under Strong Urban Influence’ who have strong links to the area and who are an intrinsic part of the rural community, subject to good planning practice, environmental carrying capacity and landscape protection considerations.

Local Housing Need

Permit residential development in areas defined ‘Rural Areas Under Strong Urban Influence and Stronger Rural Areas’ subject to the following circumstances:

  1. Persons who are actively engaged in agriculture, horticulture, forestry, bloodstock and peat industry,
  2. Members of farm families seeking to build on the family farm,
  3. Landowners for this purpose being defined as persons who own the land 5 years prior to the date of planning application.
  4. Persons employed locally whose employment would provide a service to the local community,
  5. Persons who have personal, family or economic ties within the area, including returning emigrants
  6. Persons who wish to return to farming and who buy or inherit a substantial farm-holding which is kept intact as an established farm unit, will be considered by the Council to be farmers and will be open to consideration for a rural house, as farmers. Where there is already a house on the holding, refurbishment or replacement of this house is the preferred option.
  7. Persons who demonstrate extraordinary and exceptional circumstances, regard shall be had to those circumstances in consideration of the application.


The local area for the purpose of this policy is defined as the area generally within a 10km radius of the applicant’s family home.


Chapter 9

 Proposed Amendment CH 9.2




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Rural Settlement Strategy


Insert new CPO after CPO 9.1 of the plan as follows:

In line with Circular Letter PL 2/2017, review rural housing policy in line with Development Plan or other relevant Guidelines issued by the Minister in this area having regard to NPO 19.


Chapter 9

Proposed Amendment CH 9.3




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Rural Nodes


Amend CPO 9.5 of the plan as follows:

CPO 9.5

Continue to monitor and review rural nodes in the County, across the lifetime of the Plan, in order to ensure compatibility with environmental protection objectives. This shall include a review of the extent and representation of each individual node where appropriate.


Chapter 9
Proposed Amendment CH 9.4



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Development within the hinterland of Settlements


Insert new CPO after CPO 9.20 of the plan as follows:

Resist the creation of new accesses for single houses onto national roads, in order to safeguard the carrying capacity and safety of the national road network.


Chapter 9

Proposed Amendment CH 9.5




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Rural Areas Subject to Sensitive Resource Designation


Amend CPO 9.21 of the plan as follows:

CPO 9.21

Restrict residential development not related to farming or forestry practices in defined water catchment areas of Lough Owel and Lough Lene, with the exception of the erection of a house for a member of an existing residential farm family who will inherit the farm, or another member of the family, provided that not more than two dwellings (existing and proposed) be permitted on any farm holding within the water catchment and only where this relates to the first dwelling for the applicant and no alternative site is available outside the water catchment.

Landowners for this purpose being defined as persons who own the land 5 years prior to the date of planning application.

Where there is a conflict with CPO 9.22 below, this policy shall take precedence.


Chapter 9

Proposed Amendment CH 9.6





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Areas of High Amenity


Amend CPO 9.22 of the plan to include text as follows:

CPO 9.22

Restrict development not related to farming practices and tourism in all High Amenity Areas, with the exception of housing for the immediate family (son/daughter) of established residents living on landholdings, who demonstrate a housing need and have long-term intrinsic links with the area.
The entire landholding will be demonstrated to have been in the resident’s ownership 5 years prior to the date of application.

Landowners for this purpose being defined as persons who own the land 5 years prior to the date of planning application.


Chapter 9

Proposed Amendment CH 9.7 



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Farm Diversification


Insert new CPO after CPO 9.26 of the plan as follows:

Ensure that agriculture development is in compliance with the EU “A Farm to Fork strategy” 2020 and parallel to the 14-point EU Nature Restoration Plan in the EU “Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 - Bringing nature back into our lives”.


Chapter 9

Proposed Amendment CH 9.8




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Rural Areas Subject to Sensitive Resource Designation


Insert new CPO after CPO 9.34 as follows:

Facilitate the production and sale of more locally produced healthy high-quality food.


Chapter 9

 Proposed Amendment CH 9.9




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Amend CP0 9.48 of the plan as follows:

CPO 9.48

Encourage the development of forestry, with higher proportions of broadleaf, to a scale and in a manner, which maximises its contribution to the economic and social well-being of the County on a sustainable basis.



It is noted that while the majority of recommendations set out in response to the submission of the EMRA (dated 25th June 2020) were accepted, the Planning Authority resolved not to comply with a...
GNI welcomes the amendment for provision of a policy objective to “Ensure that agriculture development is in compliance with the EU “A Farm to Fork strategy 2020 and parallel to the 14-point EU...
Disagree with Amendment CP0 9.48   Please change (red text) as follows:   Encourage the development of forestry, with higher proportions of broadleaf, ...
SUBMISSION TO WESTMEATH PROPOSED AMENDMENTS We wish to support the following proposed Amendments: Chapter 9  Rural Westmeath Proposed Amendment CH 9.9...
Please find attached Meath County Council Planning Department's submission on Material Amendments to the Draft Westmeath County Development Plan 2021-2027.