Chapter 7 Urban Centers & Place Making

Closed15 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 20 Jan, 2021, 17:00

Chapter 7

Proposed Amendment CH 7.1 



Page No.


Public Realm and Placemaking


Amend CPO 7.2 of the plan as follows;

Apply the following key attributes when considering public realm, and public space enhancements and public seating:

Accessible - connected and linked permeable spaces to ensure ease of movement.

Functional - safe, adaptable and social environments to attract and foster activity.

Attractive - visually pleasing spaces with high quality design, materials and installations (lighting, furniture and signage) based on a singular common design theme.

Distinctive - reference to local context and building on the character and identity of place.

Chapter 7

Proposed Amendment CH 7.2



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Town Centre Management and Placemaking


Amend CPO 7.21 of the plan as follows:

CPO 7.21

Ensure the best quality of design is achieved for all new commercial and residential development and that design respects and enhances the specific characteristics and heritage of the different towns and villages in the County.


Chapter 7

Proposed Amendment CH 7.3 



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Town Centre Management and Placemaking


Insert new CPO after CPO 7.23 of the plan as follows;

Prioritise a Town Centres First collaborative and strategic approach to the regeneration of our villages and towns, using the Collaborative Town Centres Health Check (CTCHC) framework to gather data and lead actions.


Chapter 7

Proposed Amendment CH 7.4



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Compact Urban Centres


Insert new CPO after CPO 7.25 of the plan as follows:

In order to promote the development of brownfield / infill and back land sites, the Council will consider, in appropriate circumstances, the implementation of mechanisms such as the preparation of site development briefs, use of compulsory acquisition of lands and development incentives.

Insert new CPO after CPO 7.25 of the plan as follows:

Monitor the development of greenfield land and rural housing in the open countryside versus brownfield / infill and back land development over the plan period. 

Chapter 7

Proposed Amendment CH 7.5 



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Compact Urban Centres


Amend CPO 7.28 of the plan as follows: 

CPO 7.28

Facilitate higher and increased building heights at suitable locations and in accordance with the settlement hierarchy in line with ‘Specific Planning Policy Requirement’ (SSPR) 1 of the ‘Urban Development and Building Heights Guidelines for Planning Authorities’ (2018). In this regard, the locations for increased building height will be informed by a buildings height study and identified as part of the UAP and LAP to be prepared for Athlone and Mullingar respectively.


Chapter 7

Proposed Amendment CH 7.6



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The Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF)


Amend CPO 7.32 and CPO 7.33 of the plan as follows:

CPO 7.32

Promote the consolidation of town centres with a focus on the regeneration of underused buildings and strategic sites and the establishment of a mix of uses incorporating green space considerations to encourage greater vibrancy outside of business hours.

CPO 7.33

Promote the utilisation of available funding to support plan led development and regeneration of publicly owned land banks incorporating green space considerations.