Material Amendments to the Draft Westmeath County Development Plan 2021-2027

Closed15 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 20 Jan, 2021, 17:00

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In line with the current Covid 19 Level 5 restrictions, where the viewing of hard copies of the proposed material amendments to the Draft Westmeath County Development Plan 2021-2027 together with associated documentation is deemed absolutely necessary, the Planning Authority will facilitate the inspection of the aforementioned documentation at County Buildings, Mullingar, by appointment only.

In this regard, please contact Eamonn Brennan, Administrative Officer, Planning Department on 044 933 2165 or email to arrange an appointment.

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Material Amendments to the Draft Westmeath Development Plan 2021-2027

The Draft Westmeath Development Plan 2021 – 2027 was placed on public display from 28th February 2020 until 5th May 2020. This consultation period was, however, further extended up until 30th June 2020 due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

A total of 158 submissions and observations were received during the prescribed period in response to this stage of public consultation. In accordance with the requirements of Section 12(4)(b) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), a Chief Executive’s Report was prepared, which summarised and detailed the submissions received on the Draft Development Plan and provided the response and recommendations of the Chief Executive to the issues raised.

The Elected Council Members, having considered the Draft Westmeath Development Plan 2021‐2027 and the Chief Executive’s Report on submissions received, resolved, following Council meetings dated 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 24th November 2020, to amend the Draft Westmeath Development Plan. These proposed amendments, if made, constitute a material alteration to the Draft Westmeath Development Plan 2021-2027. Accordingly, the Council resolved to place the proposed amendments on public display for a period of not less than 4 weeks, in accordance with Section 12(7)(b) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).

Material Amendments & Accompanying Reports

This document is accompanied by amendments to the maps contained in Volume 2 Book of Maps. Volumes 3-5 contain the SEA, AA and SFRA Screening of the proposed amendments to the Draft Westmeath Development Plan 2021-2027. An SEA Environmental Report and Screening Determination (which includes information on the likely significant effects on the environment of implementing the proposed amendment) and an AA Screening Report and AA Determination have been undertaken, in order to inform and assist the public and other interested parties in consideration of the proposed amendments to the Draft Westmeath Development Plan.

Written observations or submissions submitted during the consultation period, regarding the proposed amendments and the likely significant effects on the environment of their implementation will be taken into consideration before the making of the Westmeath County Development Plan 2021 - 2027.

After the consultation period ends, the Chief Executive will prepare a report on all submissions and observations received during the prescribed period and submit the report to the Elected Members for their consideration. Having considered the Proposed Amendments to the Draft Plan and the Chief Executive’s Report on submissions received, the Elected Members may, by resolution, make the Westmeath Development Plan 2021-2027 with or without amendment (of a non-material nature).

How to make a submission

Written observations or submissions regarding the proposed amendments only must be received between: 15th December 2020 and by 5:00pm on 20th January 2021, either;

  • Online on this portal using the 'Make a Submission' link on the right of this page

  • In writing to: 
    Administrative Officer, 
    Forward Planning, Westmeath County Council, Civic Offices, Mount Street, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, N91 FH4N

    Submissions/observations to be made by one medium only and should include:
  • Proposed Amendment(s) Reference Number(s) as shown in the document
  • Full Name & Address of person making submission/observation
  • Details of organisation/community group/company which you represent where relevant.
    Please note that submissions that do not relate to a proposed amendment, cannot be taken into consideration.

How this Document is Organised

Written Statement
Proposed amendments to the text of the Draft Plan are assigned a Reference Number and their location in the Draft Westmeath County Development Plan 2021-2027 is referenced where applicable (references to page numbers are to the Draft Westmeath County Development Plan page number).
The proposed amendments to the Written Statement of the Draft Westmeath County Development Plan 2021‐2027 are set out in this document. The text of the Draft Westmeath County Development Plan 2021-2027 is shown in normal font.

Additions to the text are shown in green print, for example:
Reference Number: Proposed Amendment CH 3.2
Update CPO 3.13 of the plan as follows:
Support the ongoing monitoring and review of the HNDA, over the lifetime of the Plan, in conjunction with the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government having consideration to the outcomes of any revised Development Plan Guidelines, and where appropriate, take any steps considered necessary to align with the approach set out in these guidelines.

Deletions to the text are shown in red print with strikethrough, for example:
Reference Number: Proposed Amendment CH 8.8
Delete CPO 8.103 of the plan as follows:
Support the construction of a link road between the Killucan Road L1015 and the roundabout at the junction of the R446-2 and N4-1120, thereby creating a bypass of the Main Street, Kinnegad (See Map 7).
Volume 2 Book of Maps
The proposed Amendments to the maps of the Draft Westmeath Development Plan 2021‐ 2027 are set out in a separate Volume 2 Book of Maps.  

Volumes 3-5 SEA, AA & SFRA
An Addendum to the Strategic Environmental Assessment, Natura Impact Report and the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment includes proposed amendments to these respective documents and is set out in a separate accompanying document.

Note: Requirement for names and addresses

Any submission should state your name, address and where relevant, the body or organisation represented. All submissions to the Draft Development Plan 2021-2027 will form part of the statutory Chief Executive’s Report to be presented to the full Council.

Please be aware that this will include the names and addresses of those making the submissions.

Accordingly, the report and its contents will be included in the minutes of that meeting and consequently will be published on our website.

