Chapter 4 Sustainable Communities

Closed15 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 20 Jan, 2021, 17:00

Chapter 4

Proposed Amendment CH 4.1



Page No.


Creating Sustainable Neighbourhoods


Insert reference to the Westmeath PPN publication 'Our vision for Community Wellbeing in County Westmeath 2020-2024' in Section 4.7 of the plan as follows;

This development plan must ensure that all significant developments can only take place where sufficient schools, public transport, employment opportunities, parks, community facilities and resources (gardai, fire services and ambulance provision etc.) are either in place or proposed.  A good urban neighbourhood must also incorporate quality living spaces, amenity areas and green infrastructure, as well as fostering a distinctive sense of place and a safe environment. Development shall have regard to Westmeath PPN publication 'Our vision for Community Wellbeing in County Westmeath 2020-2024. The creation of sustainable communities is based on the development of the following three pillars:

Chapter 4

Proposed Amendment CH 4.2



Page No.


Community Facilities


Insert new CPO after CPO 4.22 of the plan as follows

To ensure crime prevention measures are incorporated into the design of community buildings and recreational areas.

Chapter 4

Proposed Amendment CH 4.3



Page No.


Schools and Educational Facilities


Amend CPO 4.28 of the plan as follows:

CPO 4.28

Encourage the use of existing educational facilities and school playing fields for other community purposes.  In new schools, it will be a requirement consideration should be given in the design of the school to provide dual use facilities and take account of community requirements.


Chapter 4

Proposed Amendment CH 4.4



Page No.


Schools and Educational Facilities


Insert new CPO after CPO 4.33 of the plan as follows;

To work with the Department of Education & Skills in relation to the planning and design of future education facilities.



Disagree with amendment: CPO 4.33 of the plan as follows; To work with the Department of Education & Skills in relation to the planning and design of future education facilities. Please...
Please see attached the Department of Education's submission to the proposed Material Amendments to the draft CDP 2021-2027