Chapter 1

Proposed Amendment CH 1.1



Page No.




Insert addition text under Section 1.1 of the plan as follows:

The Draft Westmeath County Development Plan 2021-2027 sets out the Council’s proposed policies and objectives for the development of the County over the Plan period. In this regard the CPO’s listed in the Plan constitute the policies and objectives of the Plan. The Development Plan seeks to develop and improve, in a sustainable manner, the social, economic, environmental and cultural assets of the County.

Chapter 1

Proposed Amendment CH 1.2




Page No.


Legislative Context


Insert reference to both the National Strategic Outcomes (NSOs) of the NPF and the Regional Strategic Outcomes (RSOs) of the RSES under Section 1.5 of the plan.

1.5 Legislative Context 

This plan should be read in the hierarchical context of legislation and plans that exist at International, National and Regional level. Since the adoption of the Westmeath County Development Plan 2014 – 2020 there have been significant developments at national and regional level in terms of strategic economic and planning policy - in particular, the publication of the National Planning Framework – Ireland 2040 (NPF), the National Development Plan 2018-2027 (NDP) and the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) for the Eastern & Midland Regional Assembly (EMRA) 2019 – 2031. 

  • The National Planning Framework (NPF)

The NPF is the overarching planning policy for the state (published in February 2018 under Project 2040) and contains ten National Strategic Outcomes and 75 National Policy Objectives. This planning framework sets out where development and investment should be guided to shape the national, regional and local spatial development in economic, environmental and social terms to 2040. The ten shared goals or National Strategic Outcomes prescribed in the NPF are as follows:

 National Strategic Outcomes diagram with icons 1. Compact Growth; 2 Enhance Regional Assembly, 3 Strengthened Rural Economies and Communities 4. Sustainable mobility
Figure 1.2 National Strategic Outcomes of the National Planning Framework, NPF Pg. 13

  • The Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) Eastern & Midland Regional Assembly (EMRA) 2019
    The principal statutory purpose of the RSES is to support the implementation of Project Ireland 2040 and the economic policies and objectives of the Government by providing a long-term strategic planning and economic framework for the development of the Eastern and Midland Region. The development of Regional Strategic Outcomes in the RSES is also closely aligned and supportive of both the NSO’s prescribed in the NPF and the UN Sustainable Development Goals as indicated below:

 Graphic of all Sustainable Development Goals
Figure 1.3 Regional Strategic Outcomes, EMRA RSES, Pg. 21