Chapter 10 Transport, Infrastructure and Energy

Closed15 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 20 Jan, 2021, 17:00


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Legislative and Transport Policy Context


Amend the text in Section 10.3.3 of the plan as follows:

10.3.3 Building on Recovery: Infrastructure and Capital Investment 2016-2021

The document ‘Building on Recovery – Infrastructure and Capital investment 2016-2021’ (Department of Public Expenditure and Reform) sets out future capital spending proposals for investment in infrastructure. €42 billion has been allocated for projects nationally up to 2021. Following a review in 2018, the Government published a new 10-year National Investment Plan for the period 2018- 2027.

10.3.3 National Development Plan 2018-2027

The National Development Plan 2018 - 2027 (NDP) sets out the investment priorities that will underpin the implementation of the National Planning Framework, through a total investment of approximately €116 billion over a ten years period. Project Ireland 2040 is the government’s long-term overarching strategy, which outlines investment in public infrastructure in Ireland.  A fundamental underlying objective of the National Development Plan is to focus on continued investment in public infrastructure.

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Smarter Travel – A Sustainable Transport Future - A New Transport Policy for Ireland 2009-2020 (Department of Transport, 2009)


Amend the text in Section 10.3.5 of the plan as follows:

This document, which is currently under review by the Department of Transport, sets out how the vision for a sustainable travel and transport system can be achieved. The policy recognises the vital importance of continued investment in transport to ensure an efficient economy and continued social development. The Government reaffirms its vision for sustainability in transport and sets out five key goals:

  1. To reduce overall travel demand.
  2. To maximise the efficiency of the transport network.
  3. To reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
  4. To reduce transport emissions.
  5. To improve accessibility to transport.

The National Cycle Policy Framework 2009-2020 (Department of Transport) which is derived from Smarter Travel, sets out a national policy for cycling, in order to create a stronger cycling culture, a safer environment for cycling and improved quality of life.

A new Sustainable Mobility Policy, which will be closely aligned with the national strategic outcomes of ‘Project Ireland 2040’, will be developed over the course of 2020.

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Smarter Travel – A Sustainable Transport Future - A New Transport Policy for Ireland 2009-2020 (Department of Transport, 2009)


Amend CPO 10.3 of the plan as follows:

CPO 10.3

Support the implementation of the following national and regional transport policies as they apply to Westmeath:

  • ‘The National Planning Framework’.
  • ‘The RSES for the Eastern and Midland Region’.
  • ‘Smarter Travel, A Sustainable Transport Future 2009 – 2020’.
  • ‘Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS)’.
  • ‘Spatial Planning and National Roads - Guidelines for Planning Authorities 2012’.
  • ‘National Cycling Policy Framework and National Cycle Manual’.
  • ‘Strategy for the Future Development of National and Regional Greenways, 2018’.
  • ‘Local Link Rural Transport Programme Strategic Plan 2018 - 2022’.

The Council also supports the implementation of sustainable transport solutions.


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Legislative and Transport Policy Context


Delete reference to the Rural Transport Initiative under Section 10.3.10 of the plan as follows;

“The Rural Transport Initiative (RTI) supports rural transport services in the County. The RTI Project provides community based, door-to-door, flexible transport services, and facilitates passengers to access a wide range of services, which include shopping, health, day-care and social activities on a regular basis. Services are also scheduled to link with public and private transport services locally. South Westmeath Rural Transport Association is a community-based transport initiative serving a large rural community in the southwest area of County Westmeath.


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Legislative and Transport Policy Context


Insert reference to ‘The National Policy Framework Alternative Fuels Infrastructure for Transport in Ireland’ at Section 10.3 of the plan as follows;

National Policy Framework for Alternative Fuels Infrastructure for Transport in Ireland:

‘The National Policy Framework for Alternative Fuels Infrastructure for Transport in Ireland 2017-2030’ was published in May 2017. It sets out the ambition that all new cars and vans sold in Ireland from 2030 will be zero emission (or zero emission-capable). A range of policy measures aimed at supporting the transition to low emission vehicles are set out in the ‘National Policy Framework’. Furthermore, the ‘National Mitigation Plan’ published in July 2017 reiterates this ambition and also includes supporting actions towards this objective.


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Integration of Land Use Planning and Transportation


Insert new CPO after CPO 10.9 in the plan as follows:

Support the national Smarter Travel policy and make central tenets of its transport strategy: Killucan Station, a regular bus services to Westmeath towns and villages and the re-opening of light rail on the old Mullingar to Athlone Rail line.


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Walking and Cycling


Amend CPO 10.11 in the plan as follows:

Improve pedestrian and cycle connectivity to stations and other public transport interchanges and request Iarnrod Eireann to provide accommodation for bicycles on inter-city and commuter trains.



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Insert a new CPO after CPO 10.24 as follows:

Carry out a permeability and connectivity audit of existing pedestrian and cycle facilities in the towns of Athlone and Mullingar all towns and villages.



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Insert reference to the “Local Link bus services” in Section 10.4.5 of the plan as follows:

10.4.5 Bus

The development of a quality bus system as an alternative to private car use is an essential element of an integrated and balanced land use transport system. Westmeath is well serviced by Bus Éireann expressway services, which primarily mirror the national primary routes and traverse the County on an east-west axis. There is a Local Link bus services within the county, however there is a need for increased bus services to improve connectivity between the main urban centres in the north and south of the County and to regional centres. Greater integration of bus and rail services would provide for enhanced services and facilitate the transfer from private car to bus and rail.




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Public Transport in Rural Areas


Insert reference with regard to the role of National Transport Authority in providing public transport in Section 10.4.6 of the plan as follows;

10.4.6 Public Transport in Rural Areas

The National Transport Authority (NTA) was established in 2009 and is charged with overall responsibility for public transport service provision in County Westmeath. In this regard, the role of the NTA involves:

  • A Public Service Obligation (PSO) contract between the NTA and Irish Rail;
  • A PSO contract between the NTA and Bus Éireann;
  • Direct award contracts for the operation of bus services; and
  • The licencing of commercial bus services.

In addition, the NTA provides rural transport services through the Local Link Rural Transport Programme. The key priorities of this programme continue to be directed at addressing rural social exclusion and the integration of rural transport services with other public transport services.

The NTA will develop and expand the Local Link Rural Transport Programme in the following manner:

  • seek further integration with other public transport services, including HSE and school transport;
  • ensure fully accessible vehicles operate on all services;
  • enhance the customer experience;
  • increase patronage among children and young people; and
  • encourage innovation in the service.

The availability of public rural transport plays a major role in combatting rural isolation and acts as a catalyst in creating models of partnership, at all levels, where key sectors actively engage in transport provision, to ensure equality of access for all.



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Park and Stride


Insert new CPO after CPO 10.26 of the plan as follows:

Ensure that new development proposals for public transport infrastructure are designed to be fully accessible to people with disabilities and older persons by adopting a universal design approach to the built environment, including footpaths, roads, pedestrian crossing points, bus stops, seating and interchange facilities.



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Electric Vehicles


Insert new CPO after CPO 10.41 in the plan as follows:

To make provisions for electric car charging facilities in every town and village in County Westmeath.


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National Roads


Insert new CPO after CPO 10.47 of the plan as follows

Seek to ensure that the capacity and efficiency of the national road network drainage regimes in County Westmeath will be safeguarded for national road drainage purposes

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National Roads


Update Table 10.1 of the plan as follows:

Table 10.1 Schedule of National Road Improvements

Road No:.

Project Description


Realignment and Upgrade from Mullingar to Longford County Boundary

N4 Mullingar to Longford


Realignment and Upgrade from Kilbeggan to Offaly County Boundary                                    N52 Tullamore to Kilbeggan


Realignment and Upgrade from the N6 Athlone to the Longford County Boundary


Realignment and Upgrade from Delvin to Meath County Boundary


Realignment offline Delvin Bypass


Realignment offline Clonmellon Bypass

Realignment and Upgrade from Delvin to the Meath County Boundary including realignment offline Clonmellon Bypass


Realignment from Fardrum to Offaly County Boundary including Ballinahown Bypass

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National Roads


Insert the following additional text at end of Section 10.5.1 as follows;

Consideration also needs to be given to avoid adverse impacts when introducing noise sensitive uses in proximity to existing and future national roads. Where warranted, proposals should include mitigation and should have regard to Section 3.7 of the DoECLG ‘Spatial Planning and National Roads Guidelines’.

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National Roads


Insert the following text after Table 10.1 as follows;

Any improvements relating to national roads identified at a local level should be carried out following consultation with TII.

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Non-National Roads

286 & 287

Amend text in Section 10.5.2 and CPO 10.49 of the plan as follows;

10.5.2 Non-National Roads

For new developments, access onto the road network is a key issue, particularly in rural areas. The intensification of use of an existing access is normally preferable to the creation of a new access onto a rural road. Where new entrances are necessary, the relevant road design standards will be applied with relevant ‘TII Publications’ (DMRB in rural situations i.e. the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges - and DMURS in urban situations within the 50/60kph zone – ‘Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets’. Such road standards are required to guarantee the safety of the general public in the County and protect the carrying capacity of the road network.

CPO 10.49

Implement the recommendations of the ‘Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets’ (DMURS 2019) and relevant ‘TII Publications’ in relation to urban streets and roads within the 50/60 kph zone.


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Non-National Roads


Insert new CPO after CPO 10.48 of the plan as follows.

Continue to engage, at an early stage, with TII in respect of any plans or projects that are located in proximity to national road infrastructure.

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Non-National Roads


Amend CPO 10.52 of the plan as follows:

Increase the safety of children at schools by assessing safe routes to schools for school children and by the installation of traffic management measures.

Require School Travel Plans to be submitted with applications by schools or colleges in accordance with actions as set out under Smarter Travel, A Sustainable Transport Future 2009 – 2020.

In this regard the Council shall prioritise road safety and traffic calming measures near or at all schools within County Westmeath.

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Corridor and Route Selection Process


Amend text in Section 10.5.3 of the plan as follows:

Stage 2 – Route Identification, Evaluation and Selection

Potentially feasible routes within the preferred corridor will be identified and assessed. The selection of preferred routes will avoid constraints and meet opportunities to the optimum extent, as advised by the relevant specialists, taking into account project level information and potential mitigation measures that are readily achievable;

In addition to the constraints identified above, site specific field data may be required to identify the most appropriate routes; and

In addition to environmental considerations, the identification of route corridors and the refinement of route lines is likely to be informed by other considerations. Regard shall be taken of the ‘Westmeath County Heritage Plan 2018-2023’, ‘Westmeath Biodiversity Action Plan 2014-2020’ and the ‘Westmeath Climate Adaptation Strategy 2019-2024’ or any revision made to these aforementioned publications, in the design of both national and non-national roads.


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National Roads


Insert new CPO after Section 10.5.3 of the plan as follows;

To protect the study area, route corridor options and thereafter the preferred route corridor selected for the national road schemes being progressed in accordance with National Development Plan Objectives included in Table 10.1 of the Development Plan, from development that could prejudice their future delivery.



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Mobility Management Plans


Amend CPO 10.58 of the plan as follows:

CPO 10.58

Require mobility management plans to be submitted with applications for trip intensive developments, including schools, significant employers, business parks and industrial estates.


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Car Parking


Amend CPO 10.59 of the plan as follows:

CPO 10.59

Allow for the reduction in car parking standards in suitable town centre locations in order to encourage a modal shift away from the private car to more sustainable forms of transport, such as public transport, cycling and walking.


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Bicycle Parking Facilities


Amend CPO 10.64 of the plan as follows:

CPO 10.64

Ensure the provision of appropriate Bicycle parking facilities in convenient, secure location and sited as close as possible to the principal destination in all new developments, as part of any new applications in urban areas to assist with supporting modal shift away from private cars to more sustainable modes of transport i.e. Cycling, Walking, Public Transport.


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Bicycle Parking Facilities


Insert new CPO after CPO 10.64 as follows:

Undertake a review of public cycle parking provision in Athlone and Mullingar in order to inform any future Urban Area Plan for Athlone and Local Area Plan for Mullingar and support the undertaking of a review in all other towns and villages.



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Water Supply Projects


Amend text to Section 10.11 of the plan as follows:

10.11.1. Water Supply Project for the Eastern and Midland Region National Water Resources Plan (NWRP):

Irish Water has identified key projects for the County which are included in Project Ireland 2040 to support planned development and maintain and improve existing services. In this context, Irish Water is currently progressing the first National Water Resources Plan (NWRP) which will set out the strategy of how we will move towards an environmentally sustainable, secure and reliable drinking water supply over the next 25 years. This plan involves assessing the external factors that will affect our water supplies, including changing environmental legislation, government policy on growth, spatial planning, water usage patterns and climate change. The Plan will provide a framework for developing new water supply assets to improve the reliability, sustainability and resilience of the water supply over future investment cycles; and the Council will seek to align its water supply policies with the NWRP framework.

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Water Quality and Groundwater


Amend CPO 10.84 of the plan as follows:

CPO 10.84

Support the preparation and development of Water Safety Plans /of Drinking Water Protection Plans and Source Protection Plans to protect sources of public water supply, in accordance with the requirements of the Water Framework Directive.


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Water Quality and Groundwater


Insert new CPO after CPO 10.84 of the plan as follows:

New development proposals shall ensure that full consideration is given to the level of investment that will be required in the provision of water services, particularly in environmentally sensitive areas to ensure that the provision of water services does not negatively impact on habitat quality, species diversity or other environmental considerations. 

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Storm Water Management


Amend CPO 10.109 of the plan as follows:

CPO 10.109

Implement policies contained in the ‘Greater Dublin Strategic Drainage Study (GDSDS’) in relation to SUDS and climate change or any revision thereof.



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Waste Management


Insert a new paragraph at end of Section 10.17 of the plan as follows:

In recent years there has been a move away from the disposal of waste to landfill. According to Section 22 of the ‘Waste Management Act 1996’ as amended, there are 14 sites within Westmeath on the Register for Closed landfills. Historic landfills are those unregulated facilities that operated for the recovery or disposal of waste pre 1977.

Since 1977, there are 2 other landfills in the county, namely Ballydonagh and Marlinstown, which were regulated under waste licence from the EPA and which are now closed (2010 and 2002 respectively). There is no open landfill operating in the county at present.

The Council has carried out a risk assessment on all unregulated landfills. Only 2 of those landfills (Moate & Lickbla) were identified from the preliminary Tier 1 risk assessment as having an associated high risk.  Further risk assessment is required on the Lickbla facility.  In the case of Moate, full remediation works are on-going at present and due for completion later this year. The two licenced landfills at Ballydonagh and Marlinstown, although closed, continue to be monitored by the Council in accordance with the conditions of the waste licences.

The Council will continue to support the remediation of former landfill sites listed in Table 10.4 below, subject to compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements.

Site ID





Clonmellon, Co. Westmeath



Castlepollard, Co. Westmeath



Collinstown, Co. Westmeath



Coole, Co. Westmeath



Delvin, Co. Westmeath


Golden Island

Athlone, Co. Westmeath



Kilbeggan, Co. Westmeath



Killucan, Co. Westmeath



Lickbla, Co. Westmeath



Mullingar, Co. Westmeath



Milltownpass, Co. Westmeath



Moate, Co. Westmeath



Rochfortbridge, Co. Westmeath



Tyrrellspass, Co. Westmeath


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Waste Management


Insert new CPO after Section 10.17 of the plan as follows:

Support the re-use of former landfill sites in the County for parklands, recreational, nature conservation and/or low carbon or renewable energy use, subject to compliance with all legislative and regulatory requirements.

Facilitate and support the regeneration of closed landfill sites in Westmeath. Any application for the reuse of former landfill sites will require a Masterplan to be prepared to include the following elements:

  • Evaluation of the setting of the site
  • Risk Assessment
  • Detailed proposal for the after-use of the site
  • Review of all legislative and regulatory requirements in relation to the remediation of the site
  • Consultation with the EPA or other relevant statutory agencies
  • Assessment of the social and economic benefits of the re-use of the site
  • Analysis of public engagement undertaken.
  • A “site manual” detailing landfill engineering features and pollution control systems.

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Waste Management


Insert new CPO after Section 10.17 of the plan as follows:

Promote and encourage the objectives of the ‘Eastern Midlands Region Waste Management Plan 2015-2021’ (or any subsequent plan) regarding the remediating of historic closed landfills prioritising actions to those sites which are the highest risk to the environment and human health. Any future development of lands incorporating historic closed landfills shall take full consideration of the environmental sensitivities of the local site and follow the national code of practice for assessment and remediation of such sites. This may include obtaining an appropriate authorisation from the EPA to regulate the proposed remediation.


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Climate Action Policy Objectives


Insert new CPO after CPO 10.120 of the plan as follows;

It is a strategic aim of the county to reduce polluting emissions and support the implementation of measures to improve indoor and outdoor air quality by:

• Participating in, and facilitating national programmes of air quality monitoring,

• Support the development and promotion of the Air Quality Index for Health,

• Support the development of Local Air Quality Management Plans that identify pollution 'hot spots' and aim to reduce pollution through local action on emissions,

• Assessing radon levels in indoor settings in council properties and support the promotion of radon testing all indoor settings.

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Noise Pollution


Amend CPO 10.123 of the plan as follows:

CPO 10.123: Require all developments to be designed and operated in a manner that will minimise and contain noise levels, having regard to relevant national guidelines and in the absence of national guidelines, to relevant international standards, where appropriate.


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Wind Energy


Amend text in Section 10.23 of the plan as follows:

In addition, potential applicants are advised to consult with the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, The Forestry Service, the Irish Aviation Authority, Failte Ireland and other appropriate statutory and non-statutory bodies in areas which may require special protection. In general, the Council will encourage wind energy, provided such developments would not have an adverse effect on residential amenities, tourism amenities, special landscape character, views or prospects, Natura 2000 sites, protected structures, aircraft flight paths or by reason of noise or visual impact. Applications for such developments will not be encouraged in Areas of High Amenity.


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Industrial Scale Wind Farms


Amend text in Section 10.23.2 of the plan as follows;

10.23.2 Industrial Scale Wind Farms

The ‘Regional Economic and Spatial Strategy for the Eastern and Midland Region (RSES)’ refers specifically to the after use of peatlands and consideration of their potential contribution to climate change mitigation and adaptation including renewable energy production. With a strong history of energy production and an extensive electricity transmission network in place, the potential exists in such peatland areas for a smooth transition to renewable energy sources. This approach should be informed by the preparation of a Holistic Management Plan that will address the future uses of worked out former industrial peatlands. The preferred locations for large scale energy production, in the form of windfarms, is onto cutover cutaway peatlands in the County, subject to nature conservation and habitat protection requirements being fully addressed.


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Industrial Scale Wind Farms


Amend CPO 10.136 of the plan as follows.

CPO 10.136

Ensure that proposals for energy development demonstrate that human health has been considered, including those relating to the topics of:

  • Noise (including consistency with the World Health Organisation’s 2018 Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region);
  • Shadow Flicker (for wind turbine developments, including detailed Shadow Flicker Study);
  • Ground Conditions/Geology (including landslide and slope stability risk assessment);
  • Air Quality; and Water Quality;
  • Assessment of impacts on collision risk species (bird and bats).

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Industrial Scale Wind Farms


Amend CPO 10.132 in the plan as follows;

CPO 10.132

Provide the following separation distances between wind turbines and residential dwellings:

  • 500 metres, where the tip height of the wind turbine blade generator is greater than 25 metres but does not exceed 50 metres.
  • 1000 metres, where the tip height of the wind turbine blade generator is greater than 50 metres but does not exceed 100 metres.
  • 1500 metres, where the tip height of the wind turbine blade generator is greater than 100 metres but does not exceed 150 metres.
  • More than 2000 metres, where the tip height of the wind turbine blade generator is greater than 150 metres.

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Industrial Scale Wind Farms


Amend CPO 10.135 in the plan as follows;

CPO 10.135

To strictly direct Encourage large-scale energy production projects, in the form of Wind Farms, onto cutover cutaway peatlands in the County, subject to environmental, landscape, habitats and wildlife protection requirements being addressed.

In the context of this policy, industrial scale/large-scale energy production projects are defined as follows:

Projects that meet or exceed any of the following criteria:

  • Height: over 100m to blade tip, or
  • Scale: More than five turbines, or
  • Output: Having a total output of greater than 5MW

Developments sited on peatlands have the potential to increase overall carbon losses. Proposals for such development should demonstrate that the following has been considered:

•             Peatland stability; and

•             Carbon emissions balance.

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Amend Section 10.26 of the plan as follows:

There are many bio energy fuel sources and technologies, and several conversion alternatives (i.e. indirect sources that can be converted into biofuel). All dry resources; wood and wood residues (forest or sawmill residues) and dry agricultural residues such as straw, can be combusted to produce heat, electricity or both, and can also be co-fired in existing solid fuel systems. has the potential to be combusted to produce heat, electricity or both, in suitable designed boilers.  However, it must be noted that for typical commercial and industrial biomass burners as well as domestic units, a high specification biomass fuel must be used. Forest and wood residues require larger more robust boiler units – typically those used to generate electricity from peat.  Energy crops, principally short rotation coppice, can also produce dry fuels for combustion. Wet resources can be processed through anaerobic digestion, producing a methane rich gas for combustion. Such resources include agricultural slurries, sewage sludge, food and catering wastes and the biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste. An additional bio-energy resource is landfill gas, which can be collected at landfill sites and then combusted to extract its energy value.

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Insert new CPO after Section 10.26 of the plan as follows

Support the development of an indigenous bioenergy sector, including the mobilisation of low value residual biomass for the production of renewable electricity

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Transport and Infrastructure - Public Transport Policies


Insert new CPO after CPO 10.36 of the plan as follows:

To support the upgrade of Mullingar rail line, to facilitate current increased use of rail travel and expected increase of Mullingar population.

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Non-Renewable Energy


Amend text in Section 10.29.1 of the plan as follows:

Eirgrid the national body responsible for the management of the electricity transmission network, have planned key investments, upgrading of the transmission network and new circuit build and reinforcement, to cater for continued demand in the Linked Gateway towns of Athlone and Mullingar.

The upgrading of the transmission network will facilitate power flows from both renewable and conventional sources to maximise the use of existing power corridors.

The Government Policy Statement on the Strategic Importance of Transmission and Other Energy Infrastructure (July 2012) acknowledges the strategic and economic importance of investment in networks and energy infrastructure. The Government endorses the major investment underway in the high voltage electricity system under EirGrid's Grid 25 Programme. The Planning Authority recognises the need for development and renewal of energy networks, in order to meet both economic and social policy goals and where appropriate, will consider the impact of proposed developments on the electricity grid network.


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 10.15.1 Flood Source and Climate Change


Amend CPO 10.98 in the plan as follows:

“Ensure that a flood risk assessment is carried out for any development proposal within 200m of a watercourse, in accordance with the Planning System and Flood Risk Management (DoEHLG/OPW 2009). This assessment shall be appropriate to the scale and nature of risk to the potential development”


19th January 2021 I refer to the Notice of Proposed Alteration to the draft Development Plan dated the 15th December 2020 and would like to submit my reply as follows: 1. I note that CPO...
It is noted that while the majority of recommendations set out in response to the submission of the EMRA (dated 25th June 2020) were accepted, the Planning Authority resolved not to comply with a...
Chapter 10: Proposed Amendment CH 10.39 The Department does not recommend the proposed material amendment wording in CPO 10.135 on Wind Energy locations on cutaway peatland areas, “To...
GNI welcomes the inclusion of reference to ‘The National Policy Framework Alternative Fuels Infrastructure for Transport in Ireland’ in Section 10.3 of the Draft County Development Plan. As...
GNI welcomes the inclusion of initiatives to support Bioenergy and references to anaerobic digestion (AD) and biogas in section 10.26 of the draft document. Biogas can be upgraded to...