Volume 3: Strategic Environmental Assessment

Closed28 Feb, 2020, 13:00 - 30 Jun, 2020, 17:00


Volume 3

Strategic Environmental Assessment 



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Submission from Eugene Dunbar- Ethos Tyrellspass re: Protection of Habitat on our Lake Shores
Our natural environment is being constantly threatened by developments done in the name of progress. Hedgerow removal must be a major concern throughout the county as the agricultural sector...
Submission from Ciaran Harte re: Monitoring of Microplastics In Our water Supply
Hello  I would be including this in the Development plan as i feel the effects from microplastics on our aquatic enviroment is not currently monitored in any reasonable way....
Submission from Michael Hickey re: Carnpark, Tully and Crosswood Bogs Parkland Project
As per submission pdf attached 
Submission from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) re: Draft Westmeath CDP 2021-2027 and SEA ER
Please find attached the Agency's submission in relation to the Draft Westmeath CDP 2021-2027 and SEA ER.
Submission from Geological Survey Ireland re: Use of Various GSI Data Sets
GSI pleased to note the use of map data in the associated Strategic Envirionmental Assessment (SEA) report. However recommend that as data sets are regularly updated that the most...