Kinnegad Town Park Preferred Layout Consultation

Dúnta22 Sam, 2022, 14:00 - 29 Sam, 2022, 17:00

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Westmeath County Council, with the support of the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund is committed to the development of Kinnegad Town Park

Proposals for a Town Park on the site of the former Community Hall on the Athlone Road were presented at a virtual meeting with Elected Representatives, Community Groups and other interested members of the public on Monday 14 November 2022.  At the meeting very useful feedback was received which allowed the Regeneration Team to refine the proposals further and arrive at two possible options for the layout of the proposed Town Park.

Drawings of the existing layout and of the two proposed options are attached to this consultation. Participants are invited to download and review the drawings and then make a submission in order to select their preferred option. This process will determine which of the proposed options will be developed further with a view to progressing detailed design and construction.

To navigate the consultation and make a submission please follow the procedure below.

1) Review the documents listed under materials and note which is your preferred option. 

2) Ensure you are logged in to the portal or register for a free account.

3) To register your vote, click the blue button to the right entitled " Make a submission". 

4) Enter a title for your submission. 

5) Select your preferred option. 

6) Click the Blue Start button in the bottom righthand corner of the screen.

7) Answer the question "Please tell us why this is your preferred option".

8) Click the blue "Save and Review" button at the bottom right corner of the screen.

9) Click the green "Submit Now" button at the bottom right corner of the screen.

Responses will be accepted until the close of the survey which is 5:00pm on Tuesday 29th November 2022.

For further information relating to the Regeneration Project please ring 044 9332110 or email


C1. Please tell us why this is your preferred option.
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