Westmeath Biodiversity Action Plan 2024-2030

Closed5 Mar, 2024, 09:00 - 17 Apr, 2024, 17:00

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Westmeath Biodiversity Action Plan 2024-2030 

A new Biodiversity Action Plan is being prepared for Westmeath in partnership with the Heritage Council. The Plan will set out Westmeath County Council’s statement of intent in relation to the natural heritage and biodiversity of the County. It will include a number of actions to ensure effective conservation of our natural heritage and will raise awareness of biodiversity in partnership with local communities over the next six years.

The Council invite you to get involved and help shape the content of the Westmeath Biodiversity Action Plan. We want to hear your views on what aspects of biodiversity you want to see celebrated and conserved in the plan and what issues are important to you.

To stimulate interest and encourage public participation at this stage in the plan process, an Issues Paper has been prepared which sets out the key biodiversity issues relating to Westmeath. It is intended that the Issues Paper will encourage discussion and involvement from the public in the preparation of the Westmeath Biodiversity Action Plan.

The Issues Paper is available for inspection here

Submissions or observations with respect to the Issues Papers or content of the Biodiversity Action Plan may be made no later than 5.00pm on Wednesday 17 April 2024 and must include the full name and address of the person(s) making the submission or observation and where relevant, the body or organisation represented.

Submissions or observations should be in ONE medium only i.e. online or hard copy and made as follows:-

Public information sessions on the preparation of the Westmeath Biodiversity Action Plan are scheduled as follows:
Aidan Heavey Library                                                                    Athlone, Co. Westmeath

Tuesday 19 March 2024    


Moate Library Moate Courthouse, Main Street, Moate Co. Westmeath                                                                                                                                          

Thursday 28  March 2024

3pm – 7pm

Mullingar Library Áras an Chontae, Mount Street, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath

Tuesday 9 April 2024


Castlepollard Library Mullingar Road, Castlepollard, Co Westmeath 

Thursday 11 April 2024

3pm – 7pm

All observations or submissions received in relation to the Issues Paper will be taken into consideration in the making of the Draft Westmeath Biodiversity Plan.

This is your opportunity to have a say in the future of biodiversity in Westmeath.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Biodiversity in Westmeath
Threats to Biodiversity
Biodiversity & Climate Change