Mullingar Local Area Plan 2024-2030 Pre Draft Public Consultation

Closed10 Oct, 2023, 09:00 - 23 Nov, 2023, 17:00

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Mullingar Local Area Plan 2024-2030

Pre Draft Public Consultation

We welcome your submissions

Westmeath County Council is preparing a new Local Area Plan for Mullingar. This plan will set out an overarching land use framework which will form the basis for deciding the appropriate locations for different types of future development of the area. Whilst the plan will be strategic in outlook and focus on key economic, social and environmental issues affecting Mullingar, it will also include tailored and site specific objectives and actions to enable the town to fulfil its full development potential.

The Council invite you to get involved and to help shape the Mullingar Local Area Plan 2024-2030. We want to hear your views on how the town should develop and what the new plan should include. We want to hear what is important to you. We particularly want to hear from children and young people and those with specific needs. Achieving the consensus and support of all of those with an interest in the town’s future is critical to making a successful plan which has a shared vision for the future of our town.

The Council will review and consider all of the pre-draft submissions received prior to the drafting of the Local Area Plan. A further consultation will be held when the Draft Plan is available for your comment.

Have your say on the Local Area Plan!

A Pre-Draft Issues Paper has been prepared to give an overview of the main issues affecting Mullingar and sets out some of the key issues that need to be  addressed by the new Plan. It is envisaged that the Issues Papers will stimulate interest and debate which will provide helpful feedback, thus creating a more informed Plan. Submissions are not limited to the issues raised in this paper so please feel free to highlight any other area of interest which you consider relevant to the Plan.

Local community input is considered vital to the entire LAP process and the Planning Authority value what you have to say. It is intended that this Issues Paper will kick-start interest and debate which will provide helpful feedback, and result in a stronger and more informed Plan. Submissions are not limited to the issues raised in this paper so please feel free to highlight any other area of interest which you consider relevant to the Plan. As a first step, Westmeath County Council are now inviting interested parties or individuals, including but not restricted to, residents, business owners, retailers, community groups, children or groups representing children, and sports groups, to identify key issues that need to be addressed in the LAP on how Mullingar should develop into the future.

There are two key components to this pre-draft consultation process:

  • An invitation to individuals, stakeholders and interest groups to make submissions; and
  • A public ‘drop-in’ event to be held in the Mullingar Library on Tuesday 21st November from 3pm to 7pm.


The Planning Authority hereby invites any interested parties or individuals to make written submissions and observations in advance of the preparation of the Draft Local Area Plan for Mullingar. Submissions or observations with respect to the Issues Papers or content of the Draft Mullingar Local Area Plan may be made no later than 5.00pm on Thursday 23 November 2023.

Submissions or observations must include the full name and address of the person(s) making the

submission or observation and where relevant, the body or organisation represented. Submissions or observations should be in ONE medium only i.e. online or hard copy and made as follows



By Post

To the Planning Department, Westmeath County Council, Civic Offices, Mount Street, Mullingar,

Co. Westmeath, N91 FH4N during public opening hours.

Submissions or observations with respect to the Issues Papers or content of the Draft

Mullingar Local Area Plan may be made no later than 5.00pm on Thursday 23 November 2023.

All observations or submissions received in relation to the Issues Paper will be taken into consideration before the making of Draft Mullingar Local Area Plan. Please note that observations or submissions will be made public on the Council’s website and at the offices of Westmeath County Council and will also form part of the statutory Chief Executive’s Report to be presented to the full Council.

What’s next?

Once this initial public consultation stage is finished, a report will be prepared summarising the written submissions and observations received and the report will be submitted to the Elected Members of Westmeath County Council for their consideration during the preparation of the Draft Mullingar Local Area Plan.


This is your opportunity to have a say in the future development of Mullingar.

We look forward to hearing from you






General comment