Submission from Friends of Irish Environment re: Climate Action and Legal Requirements
As the Planning Authority will be aware, Section 15 of the Climate Action & Low Carbon Development Act 2015 and Section 10(2)(n) of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended) obliges the policies and objectives of the Draft Westmeath County Development Plan (WMCDP) 2021 – 2027 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% by 2030, compared with 1990 levels, in line with the headline target as set out in the National Mitigation Plan 2017 and the National Transition Objective.
The objectives in the Chapter 11 which seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are welcome. However, in the accompanying Strategic Environmental Assessment, the Strategic Environmental Objective (SEO) in respect of ‘Climatic Factors’ seek only to ‘minimise’ emissions (p.55). This requires to be amended in accordance with national law and policy which requires a sustained and rapid reduction of emissions. This change may necessitate a fundamental review of the SEA, including in respect of the alternatives considered.