Submission from Loughnavalley Community Development Association re: Greenway to Uisneach

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Loughnavalley Community Development Association

06. Tourism

Loughnavalley Community Development wish to make the following submissions:

Connectivity to the Hill of Uisneach/Greenway

In so far as the village is a gateway to Uisneach, our community has undertaken a feasibility study and a proposal for a cycleway/walkway from the village to the heritage site was proposed under that feasibility study. Loughnavalley is located at a distance of approx. 1.5kms from Uisneach, it is an ideal place for tourists to commence their journey to Uisneach from the village on foot or by bike and it is our intention to proactively seek to create such an offering. In this regard it would be  beneficial if an objective could be included in the development plan as follows:

"support the development of an off road greenway connection between Loughnavalley and the Hill of Uisneach".

Wind Energy

We note the policy objectives set out in the Draft County Development Plan  concerning wind energy and we request that the new Development Plan will reflect the agreed principles for Area 7 contained in the previous development plan so as to minimise the impact on the local landscape.


Yoirs faiulhfully

Loughnavalley Community Development Association.