Submission from E.Clarkes Electrical Contractors re: Zoning Castletown-Geoghegan

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
E. Clarke (Castleltown-Geoghegan) Electrical Contractors Ltd

Maps 20-27: Rural Serviced Zoning

The area the subject of this submission measures approx. 0.5 acres.

The Draft Westmeath County Development Plan proposes to zone some of the land as residential and part mixed use. The property is in the ownership of E. Clarke Ltd.

Firstly we would like to support the zoning identified as (A) residential. Secondly we want to support the area identified as (B) the mixed use zoning, finally we would like to have the area identified as (C) and proposed to be used for residential use to be zoned as mixed use.

Presently E. Clarke Ltd. require purpose built offices and storage. We are a significant local employer, employing up to 50 people and have outgrown our current accommodation which is only suitable for residential purposes.

See attached maps.