Submission from Barry Egan re: Change of Zoning to land on Moate Road, Kilbeggan

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Egan Granite & Marble Ltd

Maps 4 & 5: Kilbeggan Zoning & Objectives

Land which has been granted permission and is currently being developed has been changed from its current zoning. 
The land in question is shown on page 6 of Volume 2 Book of Maps and is located on the Moate Road, Kilbeggan and has been changed from Enterprise & Employment".

Egan Granite & Marble Ltd has received permission to develop ware house space on this area. This development allows for expansion of current facilities, which enables us to increase our staff numbers and provide parking for staff.

In addition it has been observed that fields surriounding this land have also been proposed to be changed from their current zoned use. The Council's proposed change is "Open Space" from "Sporting Recreational". I would appreicate if you could also amend this change to it' s current use as it is adjoining the GAA pitch and is in use.

I wish to have thsi land retrurned to it's present zoning as it was in the 2014-2020 Development Plan.

See attached maps indicating the lands in question.

Barry Egan
