Submission from James Mulligan re: Expansion of Residential Zoning in Loughnavalley

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
James Mulligan

Maps 33-37: Rural Nodes

I own a small site in the heart of Loughnavalley (see attached map). Previousley this site was zoned residential and I applied for a small scheme of 15 houses. The Planner asked that I resubmit a small scheme of say 3 houses, which I did and subsequently built same. Initially  I installed a well and sewerage treatment plant to cater for 20 plus houses at considerable personal expense of over €25,000.

I now see that the latest County Development PLan only caters for a small portion of the land along the road, and I feel that all sites should be zoned to cater for water and sewage outlays which i installed on my landholding.

Please see attached map, shad showing teh portion in question.