Submission Re: ZONING Loughnavalley and Water Treatment Plant
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please find attached Sitemap showing my landholding at Loughnvalley.
I understand the Loughnavalley Community has submitted that Loughnavalley obtain enhanced planning status in connection with its role as the gateway to Uisneach and as the future provider of various tourism-related services to Uisneach.
In this regard, I am amenable to the provision of lands for the purposes of installation of a community sewerage treatment plant to service future tourism development with my land being ideally located due to the presence of a substantial watercourse on the lands.
In addition, I wish to submit that some of my lands be considered to be brought within the area permitted to be zoned for low density residential development as set out on the attached map.
Sitemap shows:
- Location of proposed treatment plant, coloured green.
- Location of proposed lands to be zoned, coloured blue.
- My landholding outline, coloured red.
Yours etc.,
Owen Cuskelly