Submission from Killucan Parish re: Complementary Consolidation Zoning for Parish Lands
Our Client (the Parish) has been, at the very least, philanthropic to date in its role as community stakeholder/supporter, in providing lands to facilitate vital community infrastructure and services for the consolidation of the Village and to promote the objectives of logical and orderly planning and development. The area of lands provided for these uses amounts to in excess of approximately 6 acres.
In this regard and for the benefit of the best use of urban lands and the consolidation of the lower end of the Village of (Killucan) Rathwire which has experienced disproportionate residential growth in one respect to the overall village area it is presented that Westmeath County Council respectfully zone the remaining parish lands as can allow for a mix of potential uses in the locality as might provide for further schools expansion, additional infrastructural supports to the existing wastewater treatment plant and complementary vIllage consolidation uses as might suggest Community/Residential/Mixed Uses to allow for a greater sense of community and or ‘placemaking’.
The zoning of these lands for ‘consolidation’ and ‘community, educational & institutional’ would facilitate the viable development of the zoned lands complementary to developments to date. Due to the location of these lands adjacent to the school, it is undeniable that they offer the opportunity to enhance this area of the settlement and to improve connectivity with surrounding uses. The portion of the landholding to the south of St Joseph’s School could then be reserved for the future expansion of the Waste Water Treatment Plant.