Bord na Móna is now developing an accelerated decarbonisation programme. The company has also committed to a significantly larger rehabilitation target. This is reflected in our plans to rehabilitate a further 20,000 hectares of cutaway and cutover bog to wetland and woodland mosaics by 2025. In addition, we plan to restore a further 1,000 hectares of raised bog habitat by 2025 for example at Mostrim Bog (currently underway) and Glenlough Bog (proposed) in Co.Westmeath. These targets are significant in both timing and scale and are indicative of Bord na Móna’s increased new ambition in this area. This will deliver significant climate action and ecosystem service benefits. The development of naturally functioning peatland ecosystems will lead in time to the restoration of carbon sequestration potential. This will support the main carbon mitigation land-use objectives of the National Climate Action Plan, as reflected in the Westmeath County Development Plan, while also providing other benefits for biodiversity and other ecosystem services.
As can be seen from our Strategic Framework for the Future use of Peatlands, Climate Action is considered very important to the organisation and Bord na Móna can achieve these objectives in harmony on our cutaway and cutover peatlands with other commercial, industrial and employment generating land uses such as renewable energy, tourism and recreation.