Footpath and Cycleway upgrading scheme, Dublin Road (R446) and Tullamore Road (R389) Kilbeggan, Co Westmeath - Outcomes

Closed17 Jul, 2023, 09:00 - 28 Aug, 2023, 23:59

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The consultation

Westmeath County Council are proposing to extend the above pedestrian/cycle facilities back along the R446 to the junction with the R389 Tullamore Road (approximate length of 520m). Proposals will include for a new R446/R389 junction layout to provide for pedestrian and cyclist friendly measures which may include the signalisation of the junction. Proposal will extend down the R389 Tullamore Road and include the junction tightening and pedestrian/cyclist crossings of St Mary's Avenue and Harbour Road

Your views and suggestions

Views & submissions are outlined in the  Chief Executive's Report presented to the Elected Members at the July Monthly Council Meeting held in Sept 2023


Approved by the elected members