Westmeath County Council, with the support of the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund is committed the regeneration the town-centre core of Castlepollard. The multi-annual programme, with an estimated total project cost in excess of €2.75million, will stimulate the regeneration of Castlepollard and enhance the growing tourism profile of the north west of the county. The programme comprises 3 distinct projects:
- The Market House itself will be renovated to accommodate both community and tourism facilities; The prestige of the green will be re-established; reintroducing the historical focal point of the town and establishing a centre for community, tourism and heritage purposes.
- The provision of the centrally located multi-purpose Town Park with universal access will bring huge benefit to residents whilst also bringing added value to the tourist offering.
- The development of a tourism brand and marketing strategy for North Westmeath, centred on Castlepollard and the surrounding attractions, such as Tullynally Castle and Fore Abbey.
Why we are consulting
We want to create a Regeneration Masterplan for Castlepollard. This plan will establish a clear vision for how the Town Park, Market House and Square will be shaped into the future. The plan will guide the individual projects and ensure a holistic approach is adopted.
This consultation process will directly inform the masterplan and the concept designs for the Town Park and Market House and Square. Feedback is being sought from the whole community. We want to ensure that the broadest spectrum of views are captured. A shared vision will help build a robust and sustainable blueprint for the regeration of Castlepollard. Embedding a sense of ownership and pride of place within the community is a key objective of the programme.
The project objectives are to:
- to stimulate the regeneration of the town of Castlepollard;
- to enhance the amenities within the town to serve the local community of Castlepollard;
- to strengthen pedestrian routes and linkages within the town;
- to strengthen the sense of ownership and pride of place within the community;
- and to strengthen the emerging tourism profile of the town and its rural hinterland;
Online submissions can be made from the publication of the survey until the close of the survey which is 5:00pm on Friday 8th October 2021. Hard copies of the survey are available on request.
For further information relating to the Regeneration Project please ring 044 9332110 or email regen@westmeathcoco.ie.