The All of Government Climate Action Plan, 2019 sets out an ambitious whole-of-society approach designed to enable Ireland to meet its EU targets of reducing carbon emissions by 30% by 2030, and thereafter to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Action 165 of the Plan sets Local Authorities the challenge of initially identifying and developing one Decarbonising Zone in each local authority in Ireland. A Decarbonising Zone (DZ) is defined as a spatial area in which a range of climate mitigation, adaptation and biodiversity measures and action owners are identified to address local low carbon energy, greenhouse gas emissions and climate needs to contribute to national climate action targets.
The Carbonisation Zone shall be either (i) an urban area or agglomeration with a population not less than 5000 persons, or (ii) a rural area with an area of not less than 4km2.
The area selected will provide Westmeath County Council with a very important test-bed which will allow the council to:
understand the scale of the challenge in decarbonising the economy and wider society, and
map out the various key stakeholders and enablers.
The practical experience and knowledge gained from this initial demonstrator project will accelerate learning in the county and inform future decarbonisation at a replicable scale.
Submissions / Observations:
In progressing this objective, the council is really interested in ascertaining the views of local community groups, particularly in relation to the selection of a pilot area or town.
Expressions of interest in relation to the above and/or the selection process must be made before 5pm on Monday 24th May 2021.
Submissions made within this period will be taken into consideration as part of the selection process and can be made as follows:
In writing to: Senior Engineer, Environment & Climate Action, Westmeath County Council, Áras an Chontae, Mount Street, Mullingar, Co.Westmeath (clearly marked “Decarbonising Zone”).
Any submission shall state the name and contact details of the community group represented.
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: before 5pm on Monday 24th May 2021
Please make your submission by one medium only i.e. in hard copy or online. E-mail or faxed submissions will not be accepted.
Westmeath County Council Decarbonisation Zone
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The All of Government Climate Action Plan, 2019 sets out an ambitious whole-of-society approach designed to enable Ireland to meet its EU targets of reducing carbon emissions by 30% by 2030, and thereafter to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Action 165 of the Plan sets Local Authorities the challenge of initially identifying and developing one Decarbonising Zone in each local authority in Ireland. A Decarbonising Zone (DZ) is defined as a spatial area in which a range of climate mitigation, adaptation and biodiversity measures and action owners are identified to address local low carbon energy, greenhouse gas emissions and climate needs to contribute to national climate action targets.
The Carbonisation Zone shall be either (i) an urban area or agglomeration with a population not less than 5000 persons, or (ii) a rural area with an area of not less than 4km2.
The area selected will provide Westmeath County Council with a very important test-bed which will allow the council to:
The practical experience and knowledge gained from this initial demonstrator project will accelerate learning in the county and inform future decarbonisation at a replicable scale.
Submissions / Observations:
In progressing this objective, the council is really interested in ascertaining the views of local community groups, particularly in relation to the selection of a pilot area or town.
Expressions of interest in relation to the above and/or the selection process must be made before 5pm on Monday 24th May 2021.
Submissions made within this period will be taken into consideration as part of the selection process and can be made as follows:
Online at
Any submission shall state the name and contact details of the community group represented.
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: before 5pm on Monday 24th May 2021
Please make your submission by one medium only i.e. in hard copy or online. E-mail or faxed submissions will not be accepted.