Transboundary Environmental Public Consultation – Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station, Suffolk, England, UK 

Closed2 Sep, 2020, 16:00 - 28 Oct, 2020, 11:59

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Why is this consultation being undertaken?

Under the terms of the 1991 United Nations Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (the Espoo Convention), and the EU Directive 2011/92/EU on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment (the EIA Directive), Member States are required to engage in transboundary public consultation in respect of projects likely to have significant effects on the environment of neighbouring States as part of the environmental impact assessment of a proposed development. For this purpose, the Member State in whose territory the project is intended to be carried out is required to send to the affected State, no later than when informing its own public, a description of the project and any available information on its possible transboundary impact.

Each planning authority in Ireland has recently received information in the form of a letter of notification dated 8 July 2020 from the United Kingdom’s Planning Inspectorate (PINS) to the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government (DHPLG) relating to an application for development consent (planning application) for the proposed Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station, which is to be constructed in Suffolk, England, UK.

The letter from the UK’s PINS states that the Secretary of State has received an application in respect of the proposed development includes two UK European Pressurised Reactor UK EPR™ reactor units, giving a total site capacity of approximately 3,340MW, along with associated development required for the construction or operation of the Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station or to mitigate its impacts.

The Sizewell C Project comprises the main nuclear power station facility and associated developments in order to facilitate construction and operation of the nuclear power station including;

  • Off-shore cooling water infrastructure and other marine works,
  • Temporary construction areas and the relocation, demolition and replacement of certain existing ancillary facilities associated with the operational Sizewell B nuclear power station,
  • A number of associated development works away from the main site which are required to facilitate construction or operation, including;
  • Two temporary park and ride sites to manage traffic generated by the construction workforce,
  • Permanent road bypasses, link roads and highway improvements to alleviate traffic and mitigate road safety effects during construction and operation,
  • Temporary freight management facilities during construction; and
  • Temporary and permanent extensions and improvements to existing railway infrastructure.
  • Temporary and permanent extensions and improvements to existing railway infrastructure.

The proposed development has been identified as a project within the scope of paragraph 2 of Appendix 1 to the Espoo Convention as implemented by the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (“the EIA Regulations”) (UK legislation).

Consequently, the Secretary of State has twice screened the proposal, once at pre-application stage and a second time on receipt of the application. The screening determination on both occasions is that the proposed development is not likely to have significant adverse transboundary effects on the environment in this State. However, the Secretary of State decided to notify Ireland as if the development is likely to have significant adverse transboundary effects on the environment in this State, as provided for in Article 3(1) of the Espoo Convention. The screening assessment is available at:

The letter of 8 July 2020 provides details of where further information on the proposed development can be found on the UK’s PINS website – see also link provided under “How to participate” below.

How to Participate

The letter of 8 July 2020 from the UK’s PINS can be accessed in the “Documents” section below, together with the documents appearing to be most relevant for the purposes of the transboundary consultation.  A printed copy of these documents, including extracts from the applicant’s Environmental Statement, will be available for public inspection during office hours in each local authority office from Wednesday 2 September 2020. However, due to the effects of Covid19 inspection of these documents may be by appointment only. It is advised that contact is made with your local authority prior to travelling to view the documentation, in order to clarify if you need to make an appointment. A copy may be purchased from the authority at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of copying.   All documentation related to the development consent application for the proposed development, including additional or amending documentation accepted at the discretion of the UK’s PINS, is also available to view on the website of the UK’s PINS at: 

Making submissions or observations

A submission or observation in relation to the potential transboundary environmental effects of the development may be made in writing or by e-mail to the Planning Section in the planning authority for the area in which the person lives or the head office of the body concerned is located (see contact details for each planning authority at the bottom of this page).  All submissions or observations must –

  1. be titled “Transboundary environmental public consultation – Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station”,
  2. include the name and address of the person, authority or body making the submission or observations and the name of the person, if any, acting on behalf of that person, authority or body, and;
  3. include reasons, considerations and arguments on which the submission or observations is based.

Please also refer to “Terms and Conditions” and “What will we do with your submissions or observations?” below.

Deadlines for submissions or observations

The deadline for the receipt of written submissions or observations by the planning authority under this transboundary consultation process is close of business on Wednesday 28 October 2020 at the latest. Submissions or observations will not be individually acknowledged or responded to by the planning authority. The Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government will not accept submissions or observations in relation to the project.



Notification and Transboundary Screening Documents


Letter of 8 July 2020 from the UK Planning Inspectorate (PINS) to DHPLG offering Ireland the opportunity to hold a Transboundary Consultation on the proposed Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station.

  • The letter includes links to the PINS website where further information on the proposed development can be found, including the full Environmental Statement and all other documents relating to the application.


Sizewell C First and Second Transboundary Screening Determinations


EPA opinion of 20 July 2020, on the UK Secretary of State transboundary screening determination, 


 Environmental Statement (ES) Documents


1.3 Navigation Document


1.1 Appendix 1.1D Glossary


Environmental Statement - Non-Technical Summary


6.1 Volume 1 Introduction to the Environmental Statement Chapter 1 Introduction Appendices 1A - 1B


6.1 Volume 1 Introduction to the Environmental Statement Chapter 2 Overview of the Sizewell C Project Figure 2.1


6.1 Volume 1 Introduction to the Environmental Statement Chapter 1 Introduction Figure 1.1


6.1 Volume 1 Introduction to the Environmental Statement Chapter 2 Overview of the Sizewell C Project Appendix 2A - Sizewell B Relocated Facilities Environmental Statement Part 3 of 4


6.1 Volume 1 Introduction to the Environmental Statement Chapter 2 Overview of the Sizewell C Project Appendix 2A - Sizewell B Relocated Facilities Environmental Statement Part 1 of 4


6.1 Volume 1 Introduction to the Environmental Statement Chapter 2 Overview of the Sizewell C Project Appendix 2A - Sizewell B Relocated Facilities Environmental Statement Part 2 of 4


6.1 Volume 1 Introduction to the Environmental Statement Chapter 2 Overview of the Sizewell C Project Appendix 2A - Sizewell B Relocated Facilities Environmental Statement Part 4 of 4


6.1 Volume 1 Introduction to the Environmental Statement Chapter 6 EIA Methodology Appendix 6B - EIA Scoping Opinion


6.1 Volume 1 Introduction to the Environmental Statement Chapter 6 EIA Methodology Appendices 6D - 6Y


6.1 Volume 1 Introduction to the Environmental Statement Chapter 6 EIA Methodology Appendix 6A - EIA Scoping Report


6.1 Volume 1 Introduction to the Environmental Statement Chapter 6 EIA Methodology Appendix 6C - Responses to EIA Scoping Opinion Comments


6.3 Volume 2 Main Development Site Chapter 7 Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste Management


6.3 Volume 2 Main Development Site Chapter 25 Radiological Considerations


6.3 Volume 2 Main Development Site Chapter 25 Radiological Considerations Appendices 25A - 25C


6.3 Volume 2 Main Development Site Chapter 27 Major Accidents and Disasters


6.3 Volume 2 Main Development Site Chapter 27 Major Accidents and Disasters Appendix 27A Sizewell C Project Environmental Risk Record


6.11 Volume 10 Project-wide, Cumulative and Transboundary Effects Chapter 1 Introduction and Methodology


6.11 Volume 10 Project-wide, Cumulative and Transboundary Effects Chapter 1 Introduction and Methodology Appendices 1A - 1B


6.11 Volume 10 Project-wide, Cumulative and Transboundary Effects Chapter 1 Introduction and Methodology Figures 1.1 - 1.2


6.11 Volume 10 Project-wide, Cumulative and Transboundary Effects Chapter 2 Inter-relationship effects


6.11 Volume 10 Project-Wide, Cumulative and Transboundary Effects Chapter 2 Inter-relationship Effects Appendix 2A Interrelationship effects on human and other receptors


6.11 Volume 10 Project-wide, Cumulative and Transboundary Effects Chapter 3 Assessment of Project-wide Effects


6.11 Volume 10 Project-wide, Cumulative and Transboundary Effects Chapter 4 Assessment of Cumulative Effects with Other Plans, Projects and Programmes


6.11 Volume 10 Project-wide, Cumulative and Transboundary Effects Chapter 4 Assessment of Cumulative Effects with Other Plans, Projects and Programmes Appendices 4A - 4C


6.11 Volume 10 Project-wide, Cumulative and Transboundary Effects Chapter 5 Transboundary Effects Appendix 5A: Long Form Transboundary Screening Matrix


6.11 Volume 10 Project-wide, Cumulative and Transboundary Effects Chapter 5 Transboundary Effects


6.11 Volume 10 Project-wide, Cumulative and Transboundary Effects Chapter 5 Transboundary Effects Figure 5.1


 Habitats Regulations Assessment Report Documents


5.10 Shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment Volume 1: Screening and Appropriate Assessment Part 1 of 5


5.10 Shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment Volume 1: Screening and Appropriate Assessment Part 2 of 5


5.10 Shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment Volume 1: Screening and Appropriate Assessment Part 3 of 5


5.10 Shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment Volume 1: Screening and Appropriate Assessment Part 4 of 5


5.10 Shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment Volume 1: Screening and Appropriate Assessment Part 5 of 5


5.10 Shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment Volume 2: Stage 3 Assessment of Alternative Solutions


5.10 Shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment Volume 3: Stage 4 Imperative Reasons of Public Interest


5.10 Shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment Volume 4: Compensatory Measures


Draft Development Consent Order Documents


3.1 Draft Development Consent Order (Draft DCO)


3.2 Explanatory Memorandum

Terms and Conditions

Respondents are advised that the Department is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2014 and Data Protection legislation.

With the exception of a name and address, personal, confidential or commercially sensitive information should not be included in your submission or observations and it will be presumed that all information contained in your submission is releasable under the Freedom of Information Act 2014.

What will we do with your submissions or observations?

After the period for making a submission or observations closes, each planning authority will consult with the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government. As part of this consultation with the Minister, each planning authority will send on copies of the submissions or observations received and a summary of same to the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government. Once this process is complete, each planning authority will forward to the UK’s Planning Inspectorate all submissions or observations it receives through this public consultation and a summary of same. Submissions or observations received or a summary of same may be published on the website of the UK’s PINS, and may be published on the website of the planning authority concerned. The Department for Housing, Planning and Local Government will not publish any submissions or observations or a summary of same.

Contact details for submissions or observations

Planning Authority


Consultation Email address

Phone Number


Planning Section

Westmeath County Council

Áras an Chontae

Mount Street


Co. Westmeath

N91 FH4N

044 9332165



Transboundary Environmental Public Consultation – Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station, Suffolk, England, UK